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Join The Private Network For Fashion Founders

This is a highly vetted membership community for fashion entrepreneurs, & founders.

Members run the best up-and-coming brands in the world, with different business models, positioning, & categories.

Some are luxury brands, some are commercial brands. Some are technology & sustainability-driven brands. Some focus on menswear some on womanswear. Some offer one category, and some offer entire collections. However, all our members seek belonging, support, and connection with a selective group of their peers.

Meet Your Community Facilitator


BFB Founder 

Esteban Julian

Esteban is the founder of fashion education company BFB, and founder of fashion distributor Overpass International.

As a seasoned professional in the fashion industry, he is passionate about using his experience and network to educate and facilitate a new path to success and fulfillment for established, and up-and-coming fashion entrepreneurs.

Our Community.

Every applicant is interviewed, vetted, and researched before they’re invited. We accept fewer than 8% of applicants and our number one priority is ensuring the quality and integrity of our community.

Our members are put into 1 of 3 categories:

- Members with brands between $10,000 to $100,000 in sales per season.
- Members with brands between $100,000 to 1 million in sales per season.
- Members with brands doing 1 million USD and beyond in sales per season.

Growing a fashion brand is hard.
We make it easier.

About our communities.

BFB was started on the experience of Esteban Julian - an ambitious entrepreneur who faced the common challenges of the fashion industry.

In 2014, when Esteban was starting his first brand, he realized how difficult it was to succeed in this industry without the right access to education and fashion networks. Therefore, he created BFB so that fashion entrepreneurs can learn the questions with hard-to-find answers, and connect with the peers that they will succeed with.

It’s no coincidence that all successful fashion entrepreneurs succeeded together with a peer group of fellow fashion entrepreneurs. This group advice, support, and connection sharing is invaluable.

So, we decided to create these groups. Members have access to a tribe of entrepreneurs who are going through the same things as you.

Weekly/Monthly Core Groups

 A group of 10 to 20 founders with an executive facilitator, who leads weekly video call discussions where advice and critical feedback is shared to help accelerate your brand's growth.

Digital Community

Access to a digital and highly engaged community of fashion founders all over the world who provide helpful advice & share their networks of manufacturers, vendors, agents, agencies, consultants, freelancers, and key industry players.

24/7 Support

Members have access to a private WhatsApp group where they can ask questions, and receive personalized feedback from the group facilitator and other members 24/7.

Speakers & Masterclasses

We know how important it is to have access to the best and brightest. So, we host unique online workshops with top fashion leaders and executives across a variety of topics so that you can ask questions and get personalized feedback directly from the best people & most qualified people in the fashion industry.


Fashion Founder's Only

Coach Led Core Groups

Core Groups Include Peers Outside Local Regions

Incredibly Engaged Whatsapp Community

Database of Recommended Vendors, Manufacturers, Freelancers, and more...

Library of Recorded Digital Events & Masterclasses

Join our community today!

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© 2018 by Beyond Fashion Business.

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